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Otoplastyin Beverly Hills, CA

Reclaiming Confidence and Balance: Otoplasty at Gould Plastic Surgery

A Symphony of Symmetry

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your ears? At Gould Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA, Dr. Daniel Gould, MD, PhD, understands the impact that ear appearance can have on your confidence and self-esteem. With his expertise and compassionate approach, Dr. Gould specializes in Otoplasty procedures designed to harmonize facial features and restore balance to your profile. Say goodbye to protruding ears and hello to a newfound sense of confidence. Let Dr. Gould and his team guide you on your journey to symmetrical perfection.

Beverly Hills Otoplasty model with blonde hair

What is Otoplasty?

Pinned Back

Otoplasty, also known as ear surgery or ear pinning, is a surgical procedure designed to reshape and reposition the ears. Whether you're bothered by protruding ears, asymmetry, or other cosmetic concerns, our Beverly Hills Otoplasty procedure can help you achieve a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Otoplasty Benefits

Complement Your Features

Enhanced Confidence: Many feel self-conscious about the appearance of their ears, leading to a lack of confidence in social and professional settings. Otoplasty can help restore confidence by improving the overall aesthetics of the ears.

Improved Facial Harmony: The ears play a significant role in your facial structure. By addressing protruding or misshapen ears, ear surgery can enhance facial harmony and proportion.

Customized Results: Each ear pinning procedure is tailored to the unique needs and goals of the patient. Whether you're seeking subtle refinement or more dramatic correction, Dr. Gould will work closely with you to achieve natural-looking results that complement your features.

Daniel Gould MD, PHD

Otoplasty Candidates

Ear Aesthetics

Ideal candidates for Otoplasty in Beverly Hills are individuals who are bothered by the appearance of their ears and desire improvement. Candidates should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure. During your consultation, Dr. Gould will evaluate your candidacy and discuss any potential contraindications or concerns.

Beverly Hills Otoplasty model with blonde hair
Gould Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills Logo

Otoplasty Consultation and Preparation

We’re Here For Your Goals

During the initial consultation, Dr. Gould will discuss your aesthetic goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have regarding the procedure. Before undergoing Otoplasty Beverly Hills patients should avoid certain medications and follow pre-operative instructions provided by our team to ensure a smooth and successful surgery.

Your Beverly Hills Otoplasty Procedure

Reshape Your Future

Otoplasty is typically performed under local anesthesia or sedation on an outpatient basis. During the procedure, Dr. Gould makes discreet incisions behind the ears to access the underlying cartilage. He then reshapes the cartilage as needed and secures it in the desired position using sutures. The incisions are carefully closed, leaving minimal scarring that is easily concealed.

Beverly Hills Otoplasty model wearing white robe

Otoplasty Results

Patients can expect to see initial results immediately following the Otoplasty procedure, with final results becoming more apparent as swelling subsides. To maintain results, it's essential to follow Dr. Gould's post-operative instructions, including wearing a supportive headband and avoiding activities that may strain the ears.

Otoplasty Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery from Otoplasty is relatively quick, with most patients able to resume normal activities within a week. Patients may experience mild discomfort, swelling, and bruising following the procedure, which can be managed with pain medication and cold compresses. Dr. Gould will provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery process and optimize your results.

How much does Otoplasty cost?

The cost of Otoplasty can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the procedure, surgical fees, anesthesia fees, and facility fees. During your consultation, Dr. Gould will provide a personalized quote based on your specific needs and goals. Our practice also offers financing options to help make this procedure more affordable for our patients.

Why choose Gould Plastic Surgery?

Dr. Daniel Gould, MD, PhD, is a board-certified plastic surgeon with years of experience and a reputation for excellence in Beverly Hills, CA. Known for his meticulous attention to detail and compassionate approach to patient care, Dr. Gould is dedicated to achieving natural-looking results that enhance your unique beauty. At Gould Plastic Surgery, we prioritize patient safety, comfort, and satisfaction, ensuring that each patient receives personalized attention and comprehensive care throughout their Otoplasty journey.

Schedule Your Beverly Hills Otoplasty Consultation at Gould Plastic Surgery Today

If you're considering Otoplasty and would like to learn more about the procedure, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gould at our Beverly Hills office. During your consultation, Dr. Gould will discuss your goals, evaluate your candidacy, and develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs. Take the first step towards enhancing your confidence and transforming your appearance with Otoplasty at Gould Plastic Surgery.

Otoplasty Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Otoplasty is a common and safe surgical procedure for addressing various concerns related to the appearance of the ears.

Most patients experience mild discomfort or soreness following ear surgery, which can be managed with pain medication prescribed by Dr. Gould.

Like any surgical procedure, Otoplasty carries some risks, including infection, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. However, these risks are minimal, and Dr. Gould takes every precaution to ensure patient safety.

The results are considered permanent, although the ears may continue to undergo natural aging changes over time. However, the reshaped and repositioned ears should maintain their improved appearance for many years.

In most cases, Otoplasty is considered a cosmetic procedure and is not covered by insurance. However, some exceptions may apply if the surgery is performed to correct a congenital deformity or functional impairment. We recommend checking with your insurance provider for specific coverage details.

Look younger, naturally with beautiful, concierge plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Daniel Gould assures innovative techniques, compassionate care, and a seamless post-recovery process. Experience the difference. Receive The Gould Standard of Care. Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Gould in Beverly Hills today.

120 S. Spalding Dr. Suite 330, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

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